
Dalahoo Movie (Rangi va HD)

Director: Siamak Yasmi

Author: Ebrahim Zamani Ashtiani

Cinematographer: Ahmed Shirazi

Publication year: 1346

Actors: Behrouz Vothoqi, Forozan, Taghi Zahouri, Rafi Habati, Akbar Khajovi, Anoush, Jahangir Ghaffari, Saber Rostami, Soraya Beheshti

Synopsis : In an old and rich family, “Madabar” executes a will that causes bloody incidents. In this family, the inheritance should not be divided and the male child is practically considered the heir. Before this method is performed again, Madbar is apparently killed by a man named “Saif” who is his sister’s husband. The resourceful son of “Barzo” is saved by the timely intervention of a hunter, and with the disappearance of Barzo, the resourceful wealth reaches his nephew’s “desire”. After twenty years, when Saif plans to transfer his son’s wealth to Arzoo by making his son’s marriage come true, Barzo appears.

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